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Old 08-26-2007, 04:27 PM
DJ Sensei DJ Sensei is offline
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Default Re: Ultimate Frisbee

I play for "Classy", which is a new team this year but with a lot of solid players, we'll hopefully make regionals unless we screw something up.

My roommate plays for THBC (thunder-hatchet bear-claw) which is composed mostly of berkeley dudes. And i've got friends on most other teams in the area, including Contra and Mischief.

As for the greatest, it was pretty cool. dude on my team threw up this floaty garbage throw on a high stall count so I ran over (from nowhere near the play) to bring it down, ended up waiting at the front cone for it, had to jump out of bounds to catch it, and just threw it back however I could (its pretty hard to make it go anywhere), and a girl on my team happened to just be standing there and it fell into her hands while the two people from the other team who tried to D me stood there watching. Pretty cool.
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