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Old 08-26-2007, 03:57 PM
Blarg Blarg is offline
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Default Re: Sequels make us forget how great the originals were

I thought Aliens, Godfather 2, the other Dirty Harrys, the other Raiders of the Lost Arks, the other Rocky's, the other Halloweens, the other Nightmare on Elm Streets, the other Jaws, the other Batmans and Supermans, the other Evil Deads, the other Internal Affairs, the other films Stuart Gordon did after Reanimator, and countless other sequels were either simply lesser movies or actually made the originals themselves start to look bad by association, or made us forget how startlingly original and good the first one in the series were.

For sequels that stand out over the original, only Terminator 2 immediately comes to mind, and The Empire Strikes Back. Terminator 2 actually makes the first one look better by association. Oh, and I like Romero's zombie flick follow up where everyone was in the shopping center better than the original -- think that was Day of the Dead. I'm also on the fence about Bridge of Frankenstein, which I usually like better than the original but occasionally change my mind about. And The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly is a clear stand-out over the other spaghetti westerns.
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