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Old 08-26-2007, 03:16 PM
BobboFitos BobboFitos is offline
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Default Re: Stars Regs Thread

if you guys are serious about a bet, you should lay down some stipulations... amount of tables and/or given time person has to complete the 50k hands. obv 1tabling or so would take forever but really wouldnt be nearly as difficult as say 12 tabling. furthermore, proof would be difficult, the only way would be to do it on a site that lets datamining, and have the person let the dataminer know when they are playing.

i think anyone laying 10:1 or 15:1 is making a terrible bet, but 1.5:1 is really solid... depending on who is attempting this (if it is grindplz) the true odds are likely closer to 4:1 or 5:1 against, but then again i have no idea his true stats, only playing with him a little.