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Old 08-25-2007, 09:55 PM
ThaSaltCracka ThaSaltCracka is offline
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Default Russo\'s \"America: Freedom to Fascism\" video

Link to movie

I got this link via the Aaron Russo RIP thread and I wanted to get a discussion going about this. I hope this hasn't been done before.

The video is 2 hours long, but well worth it to watch. This is without question, the most thought provoking movie I have ever seen.

We pay income taxes which pay off a debt we should have never had. Our country has been manipulated and misled by the rich elite bankers and ruling class. People who epitomize everything this country should be against.

We now have an illegal, unjust tax.

We have lost many of our most sacred civil liberties.

We will soon have national ID cards and microchips tracking our every move and purchase.

This country is descending into something very disturbing and scary. We need to know about these things and to educate others.

This issue is not a Republican v Democrat issue. Lets not be polarized on this people! This issue is America v the rich elite .000000001% that don't give a God damn about any of us!
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