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Old 08-25-2007, 09:48 PM
j2zooted j2zooted is offline
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Default Re: Books: What are you reading tonight?

I just finished reading Rant: An Oral Biography of Buster Casey, by Chuck Palahniuk, the guy who wrote Fight Club. It is a fictitious story of a guy who would eventually start a rabies epidemic. I found the oral biography format a little annoying, and the end to be scatter-brained and disappointing. I got the feeling he didn't know how to end it so he just made it weirder. I get that feeling from most of his books, but keep reading them.

I am almost done with Identity by Milan Kundera. It is not a real compelling plot, it just basically tells the story of an incident in a romantic relationship, but what i like about Kundera is the way he describes people and the way he explains their thoughts and feelings. I find it real easy to connect with the characters in his books.
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