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Old 08-25-2007, 12:30 PM
Dennisa Dennisa is offline
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Join Date: Feb 2005
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Default Re: Brag: Moving to Vegas

That sounds like an awful idea. Don't drive 20 straight hours.

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I agree, break it up, find somewhere interesting to stop. No friends between home and Vegas?

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Sounds like a good way to die. Driving that long, you can fall asleep when you don't even think you're tired.

I don't want to sound like John Ratzenberger, but why not take the time to stop at a few points of interest along the way? When you're older and your schedule is not as flexible, you'll wish you'd taken the time to see Little Big Horn and the world's largest ball of yarn.

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Nothing is set in stone. What I said in OP is my plan. If I find that its too difficult then I'll make changes. I'm too excited to want to make the trip any longer than it has to be. I've been planning out this move for months, and I'm ready to just get there.

I really don't enjoy museums or famous sites that much, and I certainly wouldn't enjoy them by myself.

Driving while low on sleep is pretty much akin to driving drunk.

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I stay awake 20 hours at a time usually a few times per month. I really don't think thats really that "low on sleep" especially if I get a good 10 hours the night before.

Buy a new iPod before the trip high roller.

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I actually lost it at the gym in New York(I'm in Maryland now visiting the parents). My ex-roomate is going to go get it for me and ship it to me. So I don't want to spend $200 just for one trip.

Watch out for strippers named Candy or Star - whatever happened with that, anyway?

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Dude, it was Chandiss and Crystal, ldo. I can't believe I remember that.

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OMG! Does this mean we might have a continuation of "I love you too, Crystal"?

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help me out here, Assani - wasn't there a Candy or Star at some point?

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Robert never finished the story, so you guys are missing out on the ending details. Her name was Crystal, Chandiss was the 2nd stripper, Star was Crystal's friend that they tried to hook me up with. I still talk to Crystal on myspace occassionally, so I assume we'll be friends once I move there. Robert has another girlfriend that hes pretty serious about(i.e. has no desire to cheat on her), so probably nothing too interesting will happen.

Moving to vegas to play or did you get another job.

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Moving there mostly because I love it there, but to answer your question its to play(although I'll probably still play online more than live).

What about the oatmeal? Don't you have to give the million dollars back?

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Nah, I overslept and got fired already...posted about it in the OOT thread.

It's not that good for your car either Chao.

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I actually thought about selling it, but the $3K or so that I'd get for my 2000 Pontiac Grand Am just wasn't worth it to me. The car still runs well and I'm happy with it. With that said, because its not that expensive of a car I don't really have to worry about stuff like this, as I'll probably be getting a new one within 2 years.

searching for radio stations was the only thing that kept me sane driving from Kansas City to Las Vegas

I learned that Amarillo has like 3 rap stations and 3 classic rock stations and a bunch of country stations, and nothing that plays modern rock. That sucked real bad. From Oklahoma City to Albuquerque there was virtually nothing good available.

But the next day was much better. Albuquerque had a station playing a bunch of 80's metal (real metal, not hair metal [censored]) and 70's pseudo-metal. Megadeth, Judas Priest, Pink Floyd, Led Zeppelin are the ones I remember specifically

Arizona didn't really have any radio stations past Flagstaff. That sucked almost as much as Amarillo.

But constantly searching for stations in the middle of nowhere gave me something to focus on at least.

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I'm mostly a rap and rock(mostly classic or 90s, but some contemporary) guy, but I can enjoy a wide variety, and I agree that searching for stations will give me something to do.

I just moved out here at the beginning of the month ^_^ Just so you're not surprised when you get here - it's very, very hot.

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Yeah I was there for the entire 2006 WSOP, and I love the weather there. I was born in Palm Springs, so thats probably why. The weather is a big reason why I'm moving there.

Thanks for all the good wishes. Hopefully I'll see some of you out there.

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Why not plan on stopping in poker rooms along the way to break your drive up.
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