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Old 08-24-2007, 06:15 PM
amplify amplify is offline
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Default Re: POG Community Thread

re: working

I'm of two minds right now. I currently have my schedule set to four ten-hour days so that I get three days off each week. During these three days I currently do a little consulting but it's actually very little. Right now I have the choice of either expanding the amount of consulting work that I do, which is pretty basic stuff with databases and whatnot, or approaching poker like it's my job for those three days and seeing where that goes. Actually, I can't just magically expand the amount of consulting I do unless people are willing to pay me to do it, which means canvassing for business, which is another time investment with no guaranteed payoff. I also realize that poker may just be an excuse to sit around on my ass for 10 hours a day on my days off.

But there's no chance of me not being the smartest person at work, I could bash myself in the skull with a sledgehammer, smoke a bong full of stupid and lobotomize myself with a pitchfork and I'd still be a dazzling intellectual giant compared with my colleagues.
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