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Old 08-24-2007, 04:08 PM
Nicholasp27 Nicholasp27 is offline
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Default Re: POG MOLE - Isotopes Team Thread

i don't wanna mod kill him for it

all i'm trying to get at is that if i were to use one site for all questions but the mole's, then posting that site to prove who the mole is would be game-breaking...that is what he was trying to do...look at his posts starting with after i gave the results...he said 'everyone post ur questions and i can tell u 100% who the mole is'...then supine posted a question that wasn't on that page, so he said supine is mole 100%...then kyro posted one not on that page, so he said one of the two is not on that page

obv i didn't just get every question but the mole's from that page, but if i did, then it woulda broken the game...and that is what he was thinking would happen

i want people to find the mole through stuff inside the game thread...not by seeing if i messed up and did something diff for mole than the rest of the's somewhat similiar to seeing if someone comes on AIM when pms go out and then u know that that person is a power's not illegal, but it's an angleshot that can break the he's not modkilled, but i just wanna crack down on any potential angleshots now, before someone finds one that breaks the game for real
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