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Old 08-23-2007, 07:44 PM
inishowen inishowen is offline
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Default Re: a crash course in prenups

Court room scenario:

Guids: "Your honor, I've worked hard these last x years...7 days a week, 15 hours a day. I bought the house, the cars, fed and clothed the kids, paid for the vactions and coached little league, I can do my own laundry and cook for myself, I should keep what I worked for"

Mrs Guids: "Your honor, I gave up working to raise Guids kids, I have not worked in x years"

Judge: Mrs Guids gets the house, a car, 50% of all cash assets, 50% of any and all retirement accounts. 50% of the equity in any other real estate owned. Guids gets to pay alimony, continue paying the mortgage on the house, make the car payments (including insurance), pay for health insurance and pay child support. This shall continue until the kids reach legal age.
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