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Old 08-23-2007, 05:19 PM
adios adios is offline
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Default Re: Most MCGW Cultists Need Brain Surgery

What should the burden of proof be for creating public policy based on scientific evidence. Should it be "more likely than not", something greater than that, or should the uncertainty be just on factor (among many) in weighing the costs/benefits.

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Elwood I would say that public policy will change soon in the U.S. and the changes will be based on the evaluation that it's more likely than not that man is contributing to global warming. My take, when I look at the intiatives in Congress, that the middle of the road position is that man is contributing to global warming. "Cap and Trade" policies are already initiated in Europe as an aside. Senators Bingaman and Spector (one moderate a Democrat, the other a moderate Republican) have introduced a bill for a "cap and trade" market that from my understanding is getting a lot of support in Congress. FWIW.
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