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Old 08-23-2007, 01:30 PM
Khaos4k Khaos4k is offline
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Default Stupid things you believed as a child

We all had some pretty stupid things that we thought for sure were true when we were kids. Some common, some that only we thought. Yes, this is shamelessly stolen from a similar idea at somethingawful,but I'm sure some better ones will come out of here. Bonus points for ms paint.

- I thought my face would get stuck that way if I made funny faces

- I thought if I ever did anything bad in school, that it would go on my permanent record and I would never be able to go to college or get a decent job. I was a stupidly good kid.

- You know those buttons for the walk/don't walk signs? I thought there was a small man in them that worked a series of levers to change the lights. I would get pissed off at him when they didn't change fast enough.
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