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Old 08-23-2007, 01:23 PM
Mike Mike is offline
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Default Re: Motivating yourself to

I play poker for other reasons than $$. It is alright, not everyone needs to be making a living from poker. Surfing or just whatever is a lot more fun than poker. It sounds like your life is nicely balanced. You can always play poker when you are to old to surf.

When you are young financial security is some intangible concept out there in the future somewhere. Truth is you may not be around to enjoy financial security. Society the way it is set up may suck your lifetime of earnings out of your hands in a few short years, sometimes months.

If you have work that has a retirement plan, put your money in at the max rate. If you have extra cash start an account at a brokerage house. Be reasonable, but remember being the wealthiest person in the retirement home isn't all it is cracked up to be.
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