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Old 08-23-2007, 12:44 PM
TomE. TomE. is offline
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Default Re: Conspire`s 9/11 Conspiracies

As for the "let's roll" thing, that implies a whole 'nother layer of conspiracy - by the families of the dead - which seems implausible to me.

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Why couldn't both have happened - the "let's roll" call was made, they barreled into the cockpit just as the plane was being shot down? Even if the guys were successful in overthrowing their captors, the chances of them landing the plane with no experience would be slim to none. Knowing this, and given the remote area which 93 (apparently) went down, it seems almost a given the plane was taken down by our side. The "good of the one isn't bigger than the good of the many" thing. I'd heard 93 was headed towards the Sears Tower in Chicago, but a security guard acquaintance of mine was working the RenCen in Detroit on 9-11, and they were told to start evacuating people. If 93 doesn't somehow crash or get shot down on the way to one of these supposed targets, a bunch more people were in danger than were in that plane. It ain't pretty but it makes sense.
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