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Old 08-23-2007, 08:46 AM
samsdmf samsdmf is offline
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Default Re: An Obvious Guide to Relationships #1: Reprise of an old post

An insult is better than a compliment if your pure skillz

This is a good thread idea actually, we should make a series- first date, second date, when to move in for the seks, moving from female friend to partner, ending relationships..... all pretty important (and amazingly simple) things that a bunch of people here would benefit from.

A quick note on jewelery/clothing more directed for late teens 20s I guess.

Jewelery it is fine- wear as much as you want, as long as its unique and original. Nothing is more lame than the everyday ring, necklace or earings- but if you can get stuff that stands out from the crowd this is a hudge +.

If you are in doubt about clothing/ accessories ask a woman, be it a friend, family member or ever someone working in a shop.

Worth remembering that you must always keep to colour scheme; got brown shoes? then wear a brown belt and watch (although as mentioned a silver one will go perfectly).

Dressing up isnt always good, but always make it look like you have made an effort. For a date overdressing is just as bad as under- women will feel often uncomfortable if they are in smart casuals and you are in a 3 piece suit- jeans with nice shoes and a shirt are pretty much spot on for a first date (unless you are planning on going somewhere more upmarket, if so you should tell your date prior to dress up); be smart but understated.
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