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Old 08-22-2007, 11:28 PM
AlexM AlexM is offline
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Default Re: Ron Paul Wins Alabama/New Hampshire Straw Polls by Landslide

...but is it really that vile to be pro individual liberty and responsibility?

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Except he's not. He flunks the test on this majorly by being "pro-life" and not having a problem with states outlawing abortion, as long as they do it on the state level. That's about as anti-libertarian as it comes. If you really look at him closely, he's an anti-federalist, not a libertarian. A libertarian should be opposed to excess government at all levels, not just the federal one.

I don't hate him, mostly, I don't think about him. He's a non-factor, except on this forum.

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A minarchist libertarian is fine with local laws concerning violent crimes such as murder. People who oppose abortion see abortion as murder. Most libertarians are certainly pro-choice, but I wouldn't call anyone less libertarian because they're pro-life.
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