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Old 08-22-2007, 07:13 PM
daveT daveT is offline
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Default Re: Conspire`s 9/11 Conspiracies

This is indeed becoming an interesting thread.

YouTalkFunny, thank you for your annotations. I didn't realize that Howard Stern know Bin Laden's name. Interesting factoids.

I was attempting to illustrate two points in my post. One is that with the emotions involved with 9/11, people were ripe to believe just about any conspiracy. The first few things did not add up. This is touched upon in Esad's post. Emotions have long been understood to be the driving force behind many decisions. Dale Carnegie's entire book is based on how people are not cold and logical beings.

There are tons of holes in the conspiracy theorists stories, but there also tons of holes in the official story. The Bush administration still receives a lot of flack for it's secrecy.

Why did they take so long to open up the official files for the security counsel to view? What of the official report that Bush supposedly received a few weeks before 9/11, describing a planned hijacking. True, Bush could not have conceivably stopped all flights. Supposedly, the flight instructor in Florida sent a report to (?????) about these particular trainees, saying that they seemed like they were going to crash the plains into a building or something. Why did the instructor continue training these guys if he had so much concern? And why wasn't this investigated.

Lastly, do you really believe that these plains were jacked with 3 inch blades? And how, exactly were cell-phone calls made from a mile into the sky? I understand curvature, but cell phones need to be fairly close to a cell phone tower to work.

I don't agree with everything in this post, and my last question may seem like a non-issue, but that is how we "know" what happened.

I think that the truth has not been completely told. I do not believe that 93 was shot down or landed safely. Wasn't one of the victims a senators wife?

I believe that the real story is somewhere between the conspiracy and the official story.
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