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Old 08-22-2007, 02:13 PM
jstill jstill is offline
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Default Re: the Well: Jstill


Why do you think that people are so quick to point out how bad the taste of Budweiser is and how good their favorite beer tastes?

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Its partly culture partly ego I think.

Europeans obviously dislike most of our domestics and light beer, saving things like Sam Adams Brooklyn ect. Thats fine thats how they were brought up and what they're used to. I personally couldn't drink beer at room temperature like they do (even though it accentuates the flavor more supposedly).

fwiw I think bud is crisp, not filling and refreshing (and 5% alcohol). I think bud light is gross though but its not like if someone says grab a beer out of the fridge Im gonna look see bud light and walk to the store (though the other day twice I looked in the fridge and saw individual beers and a case, reached for the solo beers realized they were bud light and reached into the case for miller light instead). My short term memory impairment made it so it wasnt until the third time I reached directly for the case of Miller.

As for the Ego thing, I think it relates to I believe it was Freuds Ego Fallacy complex. Anytime anyone doesn't think exactly what you believe about something you assume they're wrong or an idiot (probably not exactly how he stated it). Its pretty common and something we all suffer from at times to some degree so its forgivable.
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