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Old 08-22-2007, 10:28 AM
Conspire Conspire is offline
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Default Re: Conspire`s 9/11 Conspiracies

I usually pity conspiracy theorists (aw, poor paranoid soul!), but more often, I scorn them. Often, as in the case of the OP, you can tell by the way he speaks/writes that he's reasonably intelligent, and it is my belief that a reasonably intelligent person has to make an effort to overcome his intelligence in order to swallow some of this nonsense.

I didn't read the entire OP, but I skimmed a line or two here and there. This particular line floored me:

On 9/11 there were war game exercises taking place (a plane hijacking scenario) many of our fighter jets were doing these exercises (some of which took place in alaska). There were only 8 jets that were able to respond.

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If you're a reasonably intelligent person, you simply cannot believe that a diversion was conjured up in advance to divert every fighter jet in the United States military to Alaska--except for eight of them, who apparently didn't get the memo.

What were they practicing that day, "Let's see if we can get 10,000 fighter jets to fly in a single formation!"???

If they were holding the biggest "war games exercises" in the history of aviation, there would still be a lot more than eight fighter planes that didn't participate in them.

Think about how many Air Force Bases there are in the continental US. There are four or five good-sized ones in California alone. I'm not even counting the Navy flyers, or Marine Harriers, and don't forget the US Army has more aircraft than the other three branches combined.

Now, imagine that every fighter jet from every AFB in the country was ordered to fly up to Alaska the second week in September--except for Nellis AFB in Las Vegas. Every fighter jet in the country, head north; you boys in Vegas, stand by. Do you think there would only be eight jets standing by???

Nellis is home to the 53rd Wing, the 57th Wing, the 98th Range Wing, and the 99th Wing, and the USAF Air Demonstration Squad (The Thunderbirds). I don't know what any of that means, but I bet they can scrape up more than eight fighter jets.

Please explain to me how you can type something as patently foolish as "many of our fighter jets were doing these exercises (some of which took place in alaska). There were only 8 jets that were able to respond."

You don't seem like a foolish person. How do you delude yourself into believing such nonsense?

[/ QUOTE ]

Upon reading what u have wrote, I now realize how bad I screwed up when writing out that one about having hardly any fighter jets in the air to protect our country. I know that it is crazy to believe that a diversion could be planned in advance for all the fighters to not be able to respond. It is also crazy to believe a lot of the other things I have said, but if the planes could not have been diverted we could of atleast stopped the airliner crashing into the pentagon, we probably could of stopped the 2 airliners from crashing into the towers. That could not happen because these attacks are part of the plan, to get America into war, and to make lots and lots of money. Take a step back and look at all the intelligence failures leading up to the 9/11, during the actual attack, and the cover ups that followed after the attack. To me there seems to be a lot of people slacking off. I got more information on why I believe our skies were unprotected, I just need to find it. For now I ask that u watch this video during 23:00 to 30:00

Also check out this news article -

I also encourage everyone reading this to atleast browse through this site -

I will be back later to answer earlier questions (I promise)
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