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Old 08-22-2007, 12:55 AM
Cue-Ball 66 Cue-Ball 66 is offline
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Default Re: ***SSNL AUGUST [EMO] THREAD PART 2 ***

So I've talked to this girl (Claire) that I hung out with in the city on Saturday for like 5 hours combined on the phone the last couple of nights. She told me about a dream where we made out, and said she'd been craving physical affection. She's also told me how much she's excited about Friday, when she's coming to visit me at college.

She's also said she dislikes facial hair, but that I'm one of the few people it doesn't look terrible on. I have a full (well-groomed) beard. Do I shave it all off for Friday? Or is this being too whipped for a girl I've only kissed once (or should I say been kissed by) at a drunken party.

I really like this girl, she's fkn awesome:

* very cute
* hilariously funny
* bubbly/energetic
* atheist
* intelligent
* dislikes the general population
* esp. fat people

I've never found a girl I have this much in common do I shave?