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Old 08-22-2007, 12:27 AM
kyleb kyleb is offline
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Default F these endurance workouts

I'm in the middle of a baseball season where I was playing up to five games a week, and as such, I couldn't really max out my squat/deadlift numbers. I was on a maintenance/endurance program that included a lot of running (Thremp rather enjoyed making fun of me for this over AIM) - about 2.5 miles every other day plus wind sprints - combined with lower resistance levels for squat/deadlifts (80% of BW or so) and other workouts.

With the JuCo league over with until the winter instructional session starts, I finally got in the gym today after long toss and pyramided up on my squat numbers. I didn't get to my previous 1RM, but I'm comfortably sitting at 1x220 (BW = 200) and see no reason why I can't get to 250 and then 275 in a reasonable amount of time (previous high 1RM is 300 @ 190, I think - don't have my log on me).

Man, it felt good. I did a bunch of feet-elevated pushups as suggested by Blarg, about 30 squats in all, and some light DB bench work before getting a mile in on the elliptical trainer (I sprinted yesterday, so [censored] running 2.5+ miles today).

Hopefully I'm not totally f'd for my game Thursday, seeing as how I might have to pitch.

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