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Old 08-21-2007, 09:27 PM
Nielsio Nielsio is offline
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Default The mindset of an anarcho-capitalist voluntarist

The proposal that taxation != theft;

Well, theft is an act. Just like murder or rape is.

Taxation is probably better described as extortion. Because when you do not oblige to the wants of the people with the power then they will use this power to make you pay up.

But more specifically,

As an anarcho-capitalist and someone who believes in universal morality and negative rights..'s not so much writing a letter to someone that I have a problem with. Nor is it spendin money that you have acquired.

The problem I have is with immoral acts. Meaning that human beings come to someone's house and kidnap them and drag them off to a dungeon or cage. And the people that they do this to did not pose a threat to the ones doing this to them. Nor did they pose a threat to anyone else. All that happened was that they did not pay certain amounts of money to other people that thought they had a right to it. AND they thought that they have the right to subdue other people when they don't comply. Not with an angry letter or with putting them on a blacklist or casting them out of their organization of security. No, by physically and mentally harming them.

To me that is a clear case of violent aggression which has absolutely nothing to do with active self-defense.

To conclude: only when you look at the individual acts is when the morality of the situation becomes clear. What statists and collectivists always try to do is to hide the individual acts ("just doing my job", "it's the law", "it's what the people want", "it's for the common good", "we know what's best for you", etc.).
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