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Old 08-21-2007, 07:01 PM
golfinguy5 golfinguy5 is offline
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Join Date: Feb 2005
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Default Scrolling on websites is slow

When I scroll down on a website on the internet (Firefox or IE) its scrolls really slow. It's hard to explain but when I scroll down its almost as if the page is refreshing every time i want to scroll down. There is a line that goes across the page from bottom to top and its really choppy vs a real nice smooth scroll. It's not my connection that's the problem as my other computer doesn't do this. I just reformatted my hard drive so could it be a problem with that? I'm running xp, and its pentium 4, 2.4 GHz with 1GB of ram. I tried to take a screen shot of what it does but the Screen shot doesn't take a picture of it. I checked my task manager to see what it was like and i'm not running tons of programs seeing as how I just started to reinstall all of my programs today but my CPU usage goes anywhere from 1% to 60% without me doing a thing...

Any suggestions?

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