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Old 08-21-2007, 02:47 PM
mattw mattw is offline
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Default Prescription drugs are only advertised on tv in the USA and New Zewlan

i was amazed when i heard this. the majority of first world nations dont allow it. i cant image tv without ads for prescription drugs. oh well, that would just mean more air time for autos and fast food. is it possibly due to most nations have national health care coverage? does canada or britian have asprin commercials?

perscription drugs in the US are too much of a big business. they have congressmen in their pockets and i think to an extent the FDA(food and drug administion for our overseas readers).

the airing of scripts ads promotes their use and increases their cost. so everytime some hypokondriak(sp lol sound it out) sees an ad for xyz and thinks i might have that, i need to get a script. we know that americans are over medicated. this is due to the prescrition drug mfgs' insisting that we need it and doctors who are too willing to be paid to write the scripts.

granted, scripts are a good thing for people who need them. i think the whole system has been perverted.
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