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Old 08-21-2007, 01:27 PM
NewTeaBag NewTeaBag is offline
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Default Re: black people still not equals in america?


I would agree that some outside forces have led to some imbalances, but that is not the whole picture. What outside forces have led to the result that Asians now earn more than whites in the USA? How have whites been oppressed leading to this unequal result?

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This is very simple, immigration of Asian populations is a daunting task from a cultural and language perspective, only those with enough money to do it and a tremendous amount of motivation to want to do it are going to. You have a self selecting bias in favor of people who are likley to achieve high status.

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I'll give you counter example. My best friend in the US right now was born in Hanoi. His family left, via boat, along with about 50 others around 1979. Their perilous travel, including multiple stops in unfriendly countries, suject to atrocities and abuse. His family eventually settled in NYC. Hid dad worked as a taxi driver and his mom in a nail salon. They lived in a Very small 2 br apt in an ok part of Brooklyn. They came with little to no money, no language skills and very little in terms community support. They accepted ZERO social security, unemploymnt, foodstamps, etc, guvment assistance.

Today, my friend is a successful (BS,MS and near PHD educated) computer engineer/researcher, and also proud USAF Reserve Officer, married to a lovely Mexican/American woman with a young son whose future is boundless because of his parents and grandparents struggle and sacrifice. His brother is now the successful owner of a contact cleaning buisness whose future also holds only bright things for both himself and his children when he should have them.

Their parents had little and understood little when they got to America. WHat they did do though, was work their arses off so that their sons would get a tremendous education and understanding of work ethic.

IMO, they ARE America. Perhaps even more so than me, the native born, well educated, military served, combat veteran. They came to the US to improve their lives and futures and did so with hard work and determination and no initial resources.
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