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Old 08-21-2007, 10:28 AM
diebitter diebitter is offline
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Default I like Americans

Americans are getting a global kicking these days from all sorts, but I have to say I like Americans.

I've only been to America once, but I used to live in London and met quite a few American tourists/travellers. Generally I've found Americans warm, friendly, polite and direct. Whilst in America, I didn't meet a single American I didn't like talking to, and I talked to quite a few - at poker tables, at shows, queueing and sightseeing.

I had a terrific time over there, not least because I got to meet and talk to a whole set of strangers of all ages who were open and friendly, and were happy to tell about themselves and hear about me. It was very cool.

In addition, I do think there is a special empathy between American and British people. Britain used to take all-comers and is a mongrel race, and America has been the same, and the distinctiveness of both countries is cultural, not racial or even religious. You can have any coloured-face and call yourself British or American without issue or it being a little jarring.

Also I think that the American and English people have parallel and similar traditions - we believe in hard work to get somewhere (embodied in the 'American Dream' no less), we believe in doing the right thing no matter what trouble it places us in (remember it was the British that first declared war on the Nazis while many stood by, even though we were ill-prepared - and yes, I know this quest for justice has lead down to some sad, dark paths), we believe in democracy and we give a good account of ourselves under pressure, I'd like to think, and we believe in personal freedom.

I don't know where I'm going with this, so I'll open this up. Are there any people from specific countries you especially like? Let's keep it postive, eh?
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