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Old 08-20-2007, 07:38 PM
SilentNoise SilentNoise is offline
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Default Re: PT screenshoots: Stats for last 106K hands of .25/.50, .5/1, & 1/2

omg raise more pf pleaseeee. get your att to steal to 30%+. indeally you would like your btn vpip to be double your utg vpip. so aim to play about 30% on the btn.

raise lots of junk offsuited connectors and gapped connectors from the button n stuff. and dont call so much oop from the blinds. concentrate less on blind defense and more on blind stealing.

your w$wsf seems to be a bit low. probably because you arent cbetting much. but it might be because you are seeing alot of multiway pots at your stakes too.

get yur flop AF higher pretty sure that is a cbetting thing. raise more with draws n stuff.

playing a 20/10 game at 200nl will get you crushed by the regulars imho. ull still be able to get $$ from the huge fish though. but 20/10 are tagfish stats.

you might wanna check out Pokey's thread "How to use pokertracker". Its in the stickys. it explains how to use the filters n stuff to find leaks in your game. like if your "blind defense" is actually costing you more money than it would have done if you just folded everytime. or if you are losing money in pots where you just call somebody elses raise preflop n stuff. more than u can get from the screenshot you gave.
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