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Old 08-20-2007, 03:34 PM
RobDoral RobDoral is offline
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Join Date: Oct 2005
Posts: 491
Default Re: Should I move to no-limit?

I'm primarily a full ring limit player and I still do just fine (though I only play 2-3 hours a day max since I'm also a full-time stay at home dad, my baby's momma makes the big bucks). I also generally play higher than 2/4 where games are even less frequent (I know the definition of "fine" may vary so I'll just say I'm happy with the $30-50 hr I make incl. bonuses and rb). The key thing for me is I just keep money at 2-3 sites at any given time and look for where the games look good and be willing to bounce around.

I prefer limit cash games because I know I have some weaknesses in my game that could prove fatal at NL (tendecy for crazy monkey tilting, doing stupid things when bored, tendency to chase, too curious, etc.) Yes the games are a bit harder, the bonuses more scarce, but it has just meant I had to learn to play better poker (and generally sticking to 2-3 tables for me anyway). Oh, and I also had to get really strict about bankroll management and NEVER NEVER play blackjack again.

There is certainly more money in NL and it seems like PLO is now the "hot" game (I'd absolutely get killed at Omaha) but I'm happy with my small piece of the poker pie. Why not try a little of both and see what happens?
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