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Old 08-20-2007, 02:49 PM
PantsOnFire PantsOnFire is offline
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Default Re: stupid question. standard raise?

This might be related? What is "controlling the pot size?" In one of PearlJammer's Videos he talked about this. So i started betting smaller amounts? Then someone questioned that. I do not understand waht "pot control" is and why I would want to do it and what amounts to be to achieve this.? Any help?

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Pot control means you don't want to build a big pot. Some types of hands for this are as follows.

1) You raised pf with KK. Flop is A 6 2. In this situation you are either way ahead or way behind (WA/WB). This is no sense betting into a guy with AT as he will just call you down and beat you. If the guy has 77, he might call one bet but probably not two. If he has KQ, he will just fold. So if you are WA/WB, the pot really should change that much unless one of you catchs a miracle card.

2) The second scenario is the flip side of the above. You call a raise on the button with AT. Flop is A 7 2. Raiser might make a cbet here or a value bet with AK. You should just call. And your plan should be to get to the river as cheap as possible and hope for A9 or QQ from villain. This another good example of WA/WB. These types of hands are unlikely to change from the flop to the river so you don't know exactly where you are at so don't make it a big pot.

So basically, pot control is good for hands where you have top pair but are concerned about an overpair or a better kicker. There should also be a dry board. If there are draws on the board and you have TPTK, you probably want to value bet. However, when heads up a 1/2 pot bet is all that is needed to make a drawing hand incorrectly call. Yes, he will be counting on implied odds but then you need to use your poker skill on the river to pick off a bluffed missed draw or a TPWK hand or get away from a draw that hit.
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