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Old 08-20-2007, 06:53 AM
boracay boracay is offline
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Join Date: Nov 2005
Posts: 766
Default Re: It is a long shot!

while searching around you might find some information like over 90% of iraqis are demanding US forces to leave iraq. would you (or him) support results of referendum (as the highest form of direct democracy) about that issue?

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After a brief search through Google, i wasn't able to find any poll that showed "over 90% of iraqis are demanding US (sic) forces to leave iraq." Can you please provide a link?

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sure. here are results of poll from last year - WorldPublicOpinion; University of Maryland; sept.2006

Question: Which of the following would you like the Iraqi government to ask the US-forces to do:
- 37% withdraw within 6 months
- 34% withdraw within 1 year
- 20% withdraw within 2 years
= 91%
- 09% only reduce as the security situation improves

some other questions:
Do you think the US military in Iraq is currently:
- 21% a stabilizing force
- 78% provoking more conflict than it is preventing
(BTW 97% of sunnis think this = these are those who can't be linked to Iran, which is media constantly trying to tell you)

another interesting result, which media and your government would like you to not hear about:

Approval of Attacks on US-Led Forces:
61% overall (and again 92% by Sunnis)

one might think this is because of strong al Qaeda/bin Laden influence, but he would wrong:

Views of al Qaeda and bin Laden:
94% unfavorable to al Qaeda
(12% somewhat unfavorable and 82% very unfavorable overall
(77% Sunnis = 39% somewhat and only 38% very)

93% unfavorable to bin Laden
(16% somewhat unfavorable and 77% very unfavorable overall
(71% Sunnis = 48% somewhat and only 23% very unfavourable)

i guess results are showing something else media is serving all the time - most of Iraqis generally support attacks on US-led forces, but at the same time they refuse AQ. i guess they view them as their fight for freedom and independence and not as act of terrorism.

my question: in case of referendum and voting 51% for leave Iraq, should the US administration accept the reality and the most democraticly expressed will of Iraqis or not?

also, you might check what kind of 'democracies' are welcome in that region. democracies? lol.

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1) Israel is a democracy in that region. I note the Arab world's attitude towards Israel.

2) Are you saying that Arab people are unable to have a democracy? What is it about those people that makes you think they are unsuitable for democracy?

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kaj gave you a good answer. also regarding the question of democracy, Iran would be shining in the company of Saudi Arabia or Pakistan (and most of other countries in the region). You should accept US never wanted democracy in the Middle East countries as they can work much better with dictatorships.

John F. Kennedy: The great enemy of the truth is very often not the lie -- deliberate, contrived and dishonest -- but the myth -- persistent, persuasive and unrealistic
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