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Old 08-20-2007, 02:42 AM
kerze kerze is offline
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Join Date: Sep 2006
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Default Re: Razz 2/4 - did I play this pretty straight up?

You've played with me at $1/$2 and $2/$4 so you probably know to take what I say with a grain of salt (especially after my last $2/$4 session).

It looks to me on 3rd that he was 2 cards under 7 down and limps with only low card out and then calls because you could be stealing and . If that's the case he is about a 64% favorite on 4th (assuming the 4 doesn't pair him).

I understand the bet, because you are trying to represent 2 babies in the hole and if you hit good and he hits bad on 5th then you might get him to fold with a bet. That happens on 5th and he calls your bet even though you are now probably a 63% favorite (given credit for two wheel cards down). I've played against this type before and they call everything down if they have 3 wheel cards on 4th. By 6th you are a 62% favorite assuming he has two wheel cards and the 2 hasn't paired him - I think you have to bet here. I hate the situation in 7 but all you can do is check/fold (the only thing I think he would bet that we could beat is a worse T high but that is unlikley because we have 3 of the T's)

I've been seeing more an more of this lately where I have a board like yours and my opponent has the brick/baby/brick/baby pattern on their board. So I'm not sure if you even have any fold equity against these types of players because they will call everything down. There's nothing worse than losing with (A2)36T2J vs (xx)K5K4x.

I don't know if any of this makes sense or helps. I certainly don't think you're play was painfully stupid.
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