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Old 08-20-2007, 01:52 AM
Cancuk Cancuk is offline
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Default Re: Ask Cancuk about backpacking/independant travel.

1) I'm curious if you've ever showed up in a city and simply been unable to find a place to stay. If not, what precautions do you take to hopefully avoid such situations? I assume it's probably best to always plan an arrival to a new city with a minimum of a few hours daylight if possible.

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I've never NOT been able to find a place, but I have walked for hours trying to find one.. not often though. I wouldn't worry to much.. there's always a bed to be found.

2) At one point in my trip I'll eventually make it down to Greece, and over to Turkey. I'd like to spend some time in Syria and Egypt as well but eventually working towards India/Nepal area. What is the best way to make that jump from Turkey/Egypt/Syria to India/Nepal. There are quite a few countries in that area that I'm not sure are the safest to travel through.

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I flew from Cairo to Beijing because I found a cheap flight.. i'm guessing you're an American, so if you want to travel overland it's harder for you because trying to get an Iranian Visa is pretty [censored] hard. If you wanted to travel overland, you'd probably have to go Turkey - Georgia - Armenia - Azerbaijan (go across Caspian Sea) - Kazakhstan - Uzbeckstan - Tajiksan/Krygstan - China... Turkmenstan isn't the greatest place to go, as it is labeled the "North Korea of Central Asia" and I think you have to be on a pre-arranged tour to get into the country... another option would be to fly from Georgia to Moscow, then take the Trans Siberian to Beijing and work your way down through Tibet to Nepal (you can't travel overland from Geoegia to Russia).... I was going to go through Russia, but I couldn't get a Russian Visa while I was in Turkey... I was considering the Central Asia one because I met a Isreali guy who was doing it, but he had all of his Visas and I had none.. and we weren't 100% sure i'd be able to get all of them while not in my home country...

Then again, you may be able to get your Iranian Visa.. give it a shot.. but I doubt it.

If you're flying... then that's easy... i'd also make sure that you can get a Syrian Visa, as you guys aren't their favourite people right now.
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