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Old 08-19-2007, 08:13 PM
j555 j555 is offline
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Default Re: Ron Paul Wins Alabama/New Hampshire Straw Polls by Landslide

Yep, Huckabee has shot up to 4% in the latest Gallup poll. His 2nd place in Iowa was well worth the effort. I'd argue that no one is paying attention to politics yet and therefore both straw polls and national polls are worthless at this point. National polls are basically name recognition especially this early in the process. Straw polls are about what you put into it and how much money you can spend to bus people in and vote for you. The straw polls Ron Paul won are very small samples. He was actually in New Hampshire and I'm not sure if any of the other candidates were or not. It'd be pretty sad if they were and got that few people to show up.

So, the national telephone polls don't accurately represent Ron Paul's support because he has a lot of supporters who won't be called, but will change their party affiliation to vote for him the primaries. The straw polls are too unknown and too small to gauge his support as well as we all know that he's not at 70-80% approval among Republicans. But we do see people voting for him who won't be called in the telephone polls in the straw polls. Wait a little while for people to start paying attention to politics and we'll see where Ron Paul is at then.
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