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Old 08-19-2007, 07:40 PM
Join Date: Jul 2006
Posts: 41
Default Re: Status Ray Zee\'s Limit Hold\'em Book?

how did we get from " In addition, we now have the manuscript for our long awaited next book, World-Class High-Stakes and Shorthanded Limit Hold 'em by Ray Zee and David Fromm. We expect to be releasing it in either late September or early october"


"but this book is now indefinitely delayed."

the inquiring minds want to know , why , how come, and what does this mean for two plus two aka can you can release an differnt book, is there an opening.
that statement about it being delayed means to me that it will not be coming out at all in publisher talk right?
I can only imagine that the book was delayed for the manuscript didnt work out, and enough time and energy was spennt on it so it would be too exhausting to further do so..
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