Thread: Downswings.
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Old 08-19-2007, 02:12 PM
teddyFBI teddyFBI is offline
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Default Re: Downswings.

I had a 125K break-even stretch a couple years back (over the course of 3 months) and, at the time, I was one of the bigger LHE winners around. In fact, I'll go so far as to say that I don't know a single great player who hasn't experienced a breakeven stretch longer than he would have thought possible (before it happened to him, that is). Since I've switched to mostly NL, I also had a 70K breakeven stretch earlier this year. I disagree with greg above -- i DO think that such things are inevitable, even for the best players. That being said, downswings/breakeven stretches have a tendency to make people deviate from their A-games, and I think that *some* of the mediocrity is no doubt attributable to poor play / tilt, but it's not like it can account for the whole thing.

Think of it this way, had I continued to play my absolute best / not succumbed to any tilt whatsoever, it's possible that my 525 BB downswing in LHE, or the 15-BI bath I took playing NL might have been "only" 475 BB / 13-BI respectively. But the point is that they still would have been huge, ugly downswings. So don't beat yourself up over it (although by anyone's standards, 35 BIs is quite large and I'd look for some leaks in your game). Sounds like you're just running terrible (as long as you were satisfied that u were a winning player before, which u don't really make clear in your post).
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