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Old 08-19-2007, 04:31 AM
DeuceSeven DeuceSeven is offline
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Default Re: Question on overall sng 1 table strategy

I play tight early and play selectively aggressive around the bubble and am a winning player, many play the same style and make a living off sngs. My suggestion is to check out the faq thread at the stt forum. Get poker tracker and pahud. Get either sngwiz or sng power tools. The reason you're not winning is either you have too small of a sample size or you're not good at sngs.

In short:
1) Get pokertracker and pahud
2) Get sng power tools or sng wizard
3) Look at the faq in the STT forum
4) Post hands and comment on posted hands
5) Review hands and plug bubble hands where you have effective 10bb stacks into sng power tools or sng wizard
6) Learn ICM by applying what you learn from 5)
7) Repeat
8) ???
9) Profit
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