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Old 08-19-2007, 01:02 AM
Fedfan691 Fedfan691 is offline
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Default Re: General Music Discussion Thread (a.k.a. indie lovefest)

I just got back from the download festival in boston and will be softly crying myself to sleep tonight.

While I do like modest mouse alot as well as band of horses, the band I really wanted to see was Wolf Parade. I had seen sunset rubdown in NYC and they were amazing, and I was expecting similar from Wolf Parade. So after apollo sunshine (not good), bang camaro (surprisingly awesome), and band of horses (very good) finish their sets, I'm pumped for wolf parade to come out.

However something is obviously wrong from the beginning. They start with a new song, and throughout the whole thing the band drowns out spencer's voice, so much so that you can't hear him at all. So naturally when the song is over I yell "we can't hear you spencer." I'm like 10 feet from him so he obviously hears me and says something like "sorry, I don't know what to tell you." They play five new songs and two old ones (I'll believe in anything and Shine a light) and the whole time the band drowns out the vocals, spencer completely and almost completely for dan. My friends and I were super bummed we basically watched instrumental versions of a bunch of songs we hadn't heard and two we had.

When the band was going through soundcheck a download festival guy came on and told them they basically had to start then as they were running late, and it seems like the band was pissed off the whole set and didn't feel like correcting what was obviously a huge sound issue.

So obviously really disappointing, but Modest Mouse did put on a really sick show and the event as a whole was well run. <font color="#666666"> </font>