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Old 08-18-2007, 11:08 PM
Zamees Zamees is offline
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Join Date: Jul 2007
Posts: 17
Default Folding KK pre-flop???

In what situations can you fold KK preflop?

Here's mine which i didn't fold. 5 players left in a 25 person tourney. Me and chip leader hold over 3/5 of the chips, and are just about even. A 3rd player makes a pre-flop raise to 13k, chip leader goes all in for 80k. I look down and see KK, and have about 70k in front of me, and the blinds are 2000/4000.

I think,think,think, get the clock called on me, and the last thing that goes through my head is, "If we were playing for more money, I think I'd muck this hand, and I call". Chip leader had aces, I get knocked out in 5th, he wins tourney 10 mins later with the monster stack he had. The buy-in was only $50, so that definately influenced my decision. But friends are telling me its impossible to lay down KK pre-flop. Is it possible?
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