Thread: he was a 79/71
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Old 08-18-2007, 10:46 PM
dnh83 dnh83 is offline
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Default Re: he was a 79/71

This was a bad call on his part. Because there were two Kings and two Tens on the board, everyone in the hand has at least two pair (kings and tens). Therefore, having pocket 2s doesn't help you, because in Texas Hold'em you can only play the best 5 cards (combining the 5 board cards with your 2 community cards). In this case, if you hold pocket 2s in your hand, your best 5 card hand is actually the board (KKTT4). So at best you are splitting with someone, and they would need to hold either 43, 42, 33, 32, or 22. Of course them having 22 is unlikely because there are only two 2s left in the deck. Even if the opponent has 52, they are beating someone who holds 22, because their best 5 card hand would be KKTT5, which beats KKTT4.

That's what makes this a bad call.
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