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Old 08-18-2007, 04:32 PM
DcifrThs DcifrThs is offline
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Default Re: The FED--savior or magician?

We all recall the Nasdaq mania of the late 1990's. Why not?? Joe Six-Pack was DRUNK on cheap oil. Lots of disposable income meant lots of happy spending. ------ When crude doubled in under year in 2000 which POPPED the Tech bubble, a recession was at hand. ----------- Joe six pack hates recessions, so the Fed dropped interest rates that year, and commenced to print money like a mad. --------- WALLA!!! No more correction. People found the low interest rates meant house refi's were a new source of income. --------- Then along came Sept 11. Reccession rears its ugly head, so the Fed jumps in to save the day. -------- Slashing interest rates and doubling the total money supply. --------------- PRESTO!!! --- No more recession. ----------------------------- Politicians expanded government spending at unprecendented levels and printed funny money to pay for it all. -- Meanwhile Joe-Sixpack spends more and more cuz the signals from the Fed tell him to. ------------------------------------------- All the housing bubble today amounts to is a POST PONING of the true correction that SHOULD have happened after the Tech crash. ---------- This current day of reckoning will ALSO GET POSTPONED. -------- The Fed will drop rates and print more money in the face of rising oilflation and get away with it. ----- For awhile. Ultimately the postponed correction will become a complete and utter collapse of historic proportions because the market was never allowed to function for the last 8 years.

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this is hilarious.

i think you meant voila?


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