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Old 08-18-2007, 01:05 PM
BobJoeJim BobJoeJim is offline
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Default Re: Everything you ever wanted to know about Cal Football

I definitely think you're overrating the offense a little bit. I'll believe that Longshore has learned how to play quarterback when I see it, and not before. I know a lot of people involved in the Oregon program myself, and am hearing a lot of good buzz about Dennis Dixon that sounds like the same kind of things you're hearing about Longshore, and I'd bet fans across the country are hearing exactly the same things about their own QBs who struggled last year. Personally, I hope Dixon really does turn out to be much improved, but I'm not betting on it, and I wouldn't bet on Longshore either.

Additionally, while I can recognize the likelihood of your RBs being good, I don't see them being so good as to not have some drop off. The offense will be very good, but not quite as special as you're making it out to be, I think.
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