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Old 08-17-2007, 11:26 PM
thac thac is offline
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Default Re: SSNL POKER [cheese] thread AUG PT 2

So I have been going over my PT for a bit now, and I have noticed something.

My W$WSF overall is 37.5% in August (only 20k hands), and here it is by position:

BTN: 46%
CO: 47%
UTG+1: 47%
UTG: 50%

And in blinds:

BB: 27%
SB: 41%

Okay so I realize in the BB I'm not gonna win much because of the hands that get limped and I check.. but 27%? 40%? I don't think I'm being too loose in the blinds, but maybe I'm just not playing well in the blinds. I Fold SB to Steal 87%, and Fold BB to Steal 82%.

Any quick tips about blind play? Just take more stabs in limped pots? I think this is one of my bigger leaks and I'm wondering how to take steps towards changing it.