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Old 08-17-2007, 08:48 PM
kassdog kassdog is offline
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Default Re: Worst movies you\'ve ever seen

How can the village be awsome. What is so scary about a chick that can't see and has a mental friend. And they pretty much gave away the monsters to soon. Also it was horrible. That is the 2nd worst movie I've ever seen.

The worst movie I've ever saw was the ring. What a waste of a halloween when that came out. It was awful. I sat on my ass for 2 hours for something to happen. What what happens, and black and white chick climbs out of a tv. Oh no not climbs out. I know people who think that movie was actually scary. Thats because the scariest movie they have seen before that was probably some stupid 80s movie like leperchaun or something. Also wasn't a fan of sixth sense.
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