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Old 08-17-2007, 04:49 PM
amplify amplify is offline
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Default Re: Motivating yourself

This has to do with the inherent disconnect between human beings and their perceptions of what will make them happy versus what actually does. Maybe I would be happy if I was 30 pounds lighter, but in the meantime I might really enjoy cookies and ice cream more than watching my diet. So this thing called "will power" goes away and another thing called "yummy donuts" arrives. The immediate pleasure is so much greater than the assumed future benefit that we have no chance. Or we can hold out for a week or a month or a year but eventually we cave. And we never just miss one workout or eat one donut, we miss a month and eat a box.

So the key seems to be getting the focus off of future results and putting it on the pleasure obtained immediately. Running a little faster today. Eating really tasty 300 calorie meals. Otherwise you face some dreary trudge on a stupid machine and rice cakes every day and it's not long before all that mess goes out the window.

So I keep myself motivated by setting a long-term goal and breaking that into smaller short-term goals and then breaking those into daily tasks that are at the least acceptable and at best enjoyable.
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