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Old 08-17-2007, 04:41 PM
QuarterTon QuarterTon is offline
Join Date: Nov 2005
Posts: 91
Default Re: ps3 appreciation

I'm also in the middle of trying to figure out which system to purchase as I only want to buy one. There have been some great points here for both sides, but I'm leaning towards the 360 just because when i buy one of the systems its to play games... and it seems like ps3 doesnt have that many titles that I'd be interested in and the big games like GoW 3 just havent come out yet and wont be out for a while. That said I own a ps2 and I love it, i think the ps2 is a million times better than the regular xbox just because of all the excellent games that I enjoy.

So I guess what I'm saying is that I'm a regular guy that doesnt know anything about developing games or blu ray/HD stuff or anything like that and because of that I base my decision on which games I'd like to play. I think most people who go and buy one of these systems are like me, they just dont know a lot about the spec's or development involved and theyre decisions will be based on which games they want to play. With that in mind it seems to me that the ps3 is in big trouble and I hope it can turn things around.
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