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Old 08-17-2007, 04:15 PM
El Diablo El Diablo is offline
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Default Mine \"tragedy\" really? - news events w/ disproportionate coverage

Coverage of this mine accident has been bothering me.

"Suffice to say yesterday we went from a tragedy to a catastrophe"

That's what was said by the governor after 3 rescuers died as part of the rescue operation for the 6 trapped miners.

Sure, the idea of being trapped in a mine sucks super hard. But, I dunno, in the context of all the tragic stuff that happens in the world, this just seems relatively minor in scope compared to tons of other stuff.

I dunno, maybe I'm just coldhearted, but I just don't really care what's going on in the rescue effort or anything.

Anyway, this is sort of a pet peeve of mine, when things that are somewhat rare or have some unusual twist to them get huge amounts of coverage that imo they don't really merit.