Thread: Top Chef 8/15
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Old 08-17-2007, 11:08 AM
Mcbrag Mcbrag is offline
Join Date: Apr 2005
Posts: 57
Default Re: Top Chef 8/15

Well, it seems like there are enough people that at least like Hung that he won't be stuck with the scenario where the more talented chef has two assistants who hate his guts.

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Yeah, that was terrible last year. I almost thought they were going to purposely sabotage Marcel. They had to have left a ton of stuff on the editing room floor last year for the entire cast to just blow up on Marcel over and over again to what appeared on camera to be trivial matters. It seems to me like they tried to start the season by making Hung the new Marcel, but I don't think Hung is nearly as abrasive around others. Hung is just as confident in his cooking abilities as Marcel, but he works better with others. It's a mistake to think Hung can't work with others because of how bad he and Joey did. Anybody who had been paired with Joey would have been in trouble. Just like anyone on Howie's team is in trouble. Bull-headedness plus the inability to listen to others is a recipe for disaster. Plus he seems to be pretty slow as well.
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