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Old 08-16-2007, 10:39 PM
Jaran Jaran is offline
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Default Re: KK in the Big Blind

...I guess I am having a hard time accepting that the UTG guy just went runner runner on me to make the flush when I was ahead the whole time.

[/ QUOTE ]

Be very careful of this kind of thinking. Believing you are entitled to a pot because you were the best, are a better player, the other guy sucks, etc., is the quick road to burning off lots of bb and mega tilt. Becoming a good post flop player is not just about when to bet and raise, but also when to fold. A big mistake a lot of journeyman players make (and I'm one of them, make no mistake) is thinking that because they have a better preflop game, the bets and pots postflop will naturally flow to their stack like the mississippi river into the gulf of mexico. The pot is not the entitlement of the best preflop hand. If this were the case, they wouldn't bother dealing any other cards, and the game would not be a game.

Getting sucked out on is part of poker, and, although it is no fun, it is valuable in that without the luck factor involved, bad players wouldn't play. Learn to accept when people suck out on you, and find the best way for you to move on beyond the anger that arises. Feeling entitled leads to very bad poker.

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