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Old 08-16-2007, 09:17 PM
Dire Dire is offline
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Default Re: WA/WB.....lets get to the bottom of this

I see the key part of WA/WB as the proportion of ranges. You're either well ahead or well behind - with a reasonable frequency for each. What I mean is that if you have KK on an AAKK board then you're either way ahead or way behind, but nobody would call that a WA/WB situation since no villain's range is going to have AA a significant amount of the time. On an A72 board with AJ, if you're called by a reasonable villain then you're likely in a WA/WB situation as his range is going to include plenty of hands that you're way behind pretty often, but it's also going to have plenty of hands you're way ahead of. The same hand against a stationy fish could not be called WA/WB since AJ just kills his calling range.
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