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Old 08-16-2007, 07:25 PM
Austiger Austiger is offline
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Default Re: The Quitting Smoking Thread

The key for me was between two and six weeks. There is this craving you get that is really depressing. The best way I can describe it is it feels like you aren't chemically dependent on them anymore, but you still REALLY want one and that is depressing because you think you will always feel that way. You rationalize it like this: "This is really going to suck to REALLY want a cigarette every time I finish playing poker or having sex or when I drink. If I'm going to eventually break down, I might as well break down now and not put myself through this anymore because I'm not going to be able to deal with this on a long-term basis..."

But if you can make it to the two month point you'll realize that those cravings do indeed go away too. Just have faith that eventually you won't even think about it anymore. It is incredibly hard, but after about 10 tries I did it so you can too. It's been almost a year now since I smoked and it's a cakewalk at this point.
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