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Old 08-16-2007, 04:21 PM
cbloom cbloom is offline
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Default The Make a Wish Foundation

The Make a Wish Foundation grants wishes for terminally ill children. In 2006 it took in $182 million in donations. That doesn't count the time contributed by 25,000 volunteers, or donated time from celebrities and sport stars.

I find it incredibly repulsive. It seems like such a throwaway charity, people give money to it when they don't actually want to help anyone. That money could be going to educate inner city kids, cure diseases so those kids weren't terminally ill in the first place, or how about the "Make a Bridge Foundation". Instead they throw parties for kids who are going to die anyway. They're not making any kind of lasting difference in anyone's life, so far as I can tell.

My GF thinks I'm a heartless bastard, what does OOT think?
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